Upon completion of the stipulated courses and modules and upon completion of the coaching and mentorship phase, the SME’s shall be able to graduate at the IEC. This is also the final stage of the SME capacity development journey at the IEC.
The SME graduation event shall be organized in close consultation with the client and shall apply to only enterprises that meet the following criteria.
- SME must have achieved at least 50% completion for key activities indicated in the customized Activity Plan for each enterprise set during the Business Diagnostic exercise.
- SME must attend and complete at least 80% of the capacity building programs at the IEC (Business Diagnostics, Foundational Oil & Gas Introduction Course, Business Simulation for Growth and Resilience, Short Courses, Technical Certification Training & Access to Finance). This implies that the SME must complete any four of these capacity development activities.
- SME must complete all mandatory modules of each course or complete a minimum number of elective modules for the selected courses.
- SME must participate in/attend at least 3 other IEC activities or programs such as Tier 1 contractor’s capacity building sessions, supplier development workshop and themed networking events.
The graduation dates shall be communicated in advance!